Steam specific StuffThe installer now displays the message underneath, you can safely ignore the suggestion regarding the non steam game link, the desktop short cut provided by the installer works just fine: The set up installation will now attempt to start the mod, but if you are new to mod installations for Steam and or have never done the copy rename of the executable then you will be presented with this error message: Unfortunately, the launcher does not use [it only detects that the kingdoms.exe required to run the disk version is not present. Once you click 'OK' your choices get implemented which may take a little while depending on the items selected. Choosing one of the AI options is mandatory. Next you will be presented with this option screen, again choose what you want, you can change it later. Finishing TouchesOnce the installation comes to an end you will be presented with a choice: Choose whatever takes your fancy, you can change this setting at a later stage before starting a campaign by running the ‘Run Setup’ short cut from the Stainless Steels short cut menu.